GS: Could you share with us what is a routine day for you and how do you manage to find the time between being a professional water skier and your private life?
WMR: On a normal day, I wake up around 6:30 AM, let the dogs out & feed them & pack my lunch for the day (usually a salad, fruit, a lara bar & mixed nuts). Then I eat breakfast (my favorite is a vegan protein smoothie bowl topped with strawberries, kiwi, granola & chocolate chips) & do a morning devotional. We leave for the lake before 8:00 AM most days. I do a Yoga/Pilates warm up & ski & then we head home before 2:00 PM so we have the afternoon to go to the gym (and my hubby golfs at least 2-3 days a week). I try to have dinner ready by 6:00 PM (lots of meat for my husband & lots of veggies & potatoes, rice or quinoa for me!) In the evenings we love hanging out on the couch watching Netflix (or the golf channel) in the evenings. We are almost always in bed before 9:00 PM.
Thankfully, time at the lake is time with my family. But, when we are at the lake we are very focused on our own jobs (my husband, Matt in the boat coaching & my step-daughter, Paige and me training). Our family also loves to play golf together, so we often end up on the golf course or at TopGolf. Other times we enjoy having dinner parties at our house & bonfires with friends. Matt and I also prioritize having one date night alone each week. It’s very important for our personal & professional life to keep our marriage healthy.